Thursday, December 16, 2010

Privacy Policy

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Web Design Opportunity

If you’re in business today, a website is as important as an ad in the Yellow Pages. With a Web presence, you’ve got access to millions of potential customers around the world–it’s like rolling out a major advertising supplement, marketing brochure and mail order catalog in one easily updated package.

And all without printing, postage or phone costs! The problem is that for most people, designing a website is on a par with building your own TV set–a major mystery best left unexplored. But if you can unlock the secrets of HTML and you’ve got a flair for graphics and copywriting, then Website design could be the business for you. The advantages to this business are that it’s creative, you can start part-time on a minimal budget, and even if you don’t already know HTML, it’s not difficult to learn once you set your mind to it. And you can deal with clients in any geographic region without leaving your computer. You should have a good rapport with your computer and have mastered the basic skills to get around in cyberspace. You’ll also need a talent for graphics and copywriting because your goal for each client will be not only to get the website up and running but to design one that’s easy to navigate through, visually appealing, and clearly yet cleverly worded. Get started by designing a few sample sites to showcase your talents, and be sure to mix up your sample work to include e-commerce, information portal, and so on.

The Market

Your clients will be businesses–you can target everything from SOHOs to nonprofit organizations to professional associations to government agencies. Choose a geographic or specialty area to start with–say, small businesses in your community or real estate agencies–then send direct-mail pieces explaining the values of a website and your services. Put up your own website both to attract business and to serve as a sample of your work, and establish links with other internet sites so potential clients can find you through as many paths as possible.

Needed Equipment

As a Website designer, your most important tool will be, of course, your computer; make sure yours has a fast internet connection. You’ll also need a scanner (inexpensive is OK), Web page creation software, and a graphic design package. If your Web page software doesn’t have the oomph to upload files to the internet service provider, you’ll want a program to carry out this task.

Profitable business

Values are guidelines to act or act that comes from within ourselves, in the form of the principles of how to live and make decisions.Value, was first introduced by parents in childhood and then supplemented by teachers, religious beliefs, friends and social environment. Spiritual values, is now a foundation of individual behavior that is very important. Why is it important to know the values of an individual? Although it does not have a direct impact on behavior, values strongly influence the attitudes one. So knowledge about the value system an individual can give insight into the attitude-attitude.

With hem-known that different people value, managers can use the Rokeach Value Survey, which divides the values into two groups, namely the value of the instruments and the objectives that can be used to assess potential employees and determine whether their values align with the dominant values of organization. Performance and satisfaction of an employee will most likely be more mengaggap very important, imagination, skinfold hanging, and freedom will most likely be a bad fit value with an organization that seek compliance from its employees. The managers will be more likely mengahargai, with a positive rate, and share benefits to employees who fit within the organization, and employees will more likely be satisfied if they perceive that they are indeed appropriate. It defended the management who tried hard over the selection of new employees to find candidates who not only has the ability, experience and motivation to excel, but also an appropriate value system (compatible) with the organization's value system.Managers should be interested in the attitudes of their employees because of the attitude of giving warning of potential problems and because attitudes affect behavior.Karyawanyang satisfied and committed, for example, has came out and absenteeism rates are lower. If the manager wants the application to stop and absenteeism is reduced - especially among those who are productive employees - they will want to do things that will evoke a positive work attitude, writes Stephen Robbins in Organizational Behavior.The company is guided by the value of proven success in the long term. Grameen Bank is a company that puts value with his vision of a world without poverty. Grameen Bank founded by Muhammad Yunus has just one goal to extend credit for the poor in Bangladesh.The values inculcated Muhammad Yunus to the employee or his staff make the Grameen Bank grew rapidly. First time help group of mothers in poor bamboo craftsman, now has helped 46,000 villages in Bangladesh. Especially if the business is guided by the value of worship to God, then that business will gain a big advantage."God loves a person who is easy in the sale, purchase, payment and billing. Whoever gave the suspension to the person in distress (to pay the debt) or release him, then God will menghisabnya with a mild judgment. Anyone who receives re-purchase from people who regretted their purchase, Allah will cancel (delete) fault on the Day of Resurrection. "The words of the Prophet Muhammad.

Learning From Failure

Failure is a label that often we connect with an act that did not work and so applied, the label is making us say people who can not afford. This decreases our enthusiasm to be successful. At the moment we are still small, the failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and not be able to walk. Due to speak, write and walk to go through countless failures. Likewise in the business world also can mimic our failure in childhood and we can learn from the failures.

Coca-Cola have failed in the first year sales. Sales conducted by placing a Coca-Cola in the beverage in the pharmacy and spent 73.96 dollars for the promotion through banners and coupon advertising. Failure to make Coca-Cola create awareness of the existence of other media, the mass media has more power than the other media at the time and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of excitement.Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to her employer earlier but no response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. Once the product is finished, it turns out no one would buy this product.In 1993, Compaq at the time as the market leader in PC sales, through a price cut to compete with Dell. Dell Computer result suffered a loss of 65 million dollars in the first six months, which left almost bankrupt. Dell learned from this failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Finally, Dell did a very fundamental change in business process re-engineering called. in business with the introduction of E-Commerce. In 1999, Dell to sell 1.7 million dollars per day on the website E-Commercnya. Shares of Dell rose 2000 percent in two years. Dell can compete with world class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-Nec. Even the market share and profits continue to rise and eventually became the largest PC seller in the world.When I started the business with your friends, so I experienced repeated failures.Beginning with the failure of a Salesman Book I, telex Salesman by phone, and car salesmen lustres material. Primagama who only got 2 students in this campaign has done enough incentive. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care service which eventually die. Likewise, starting a business center computer education "IMKI", only got 3 students and trusted by AMIKOM only 6 students. I'm with my friends trying to learn from failure, then make corrections and fix attempting to achieve success.

People of the World Self-actualization

Abraham Maslow examines the figures of the world is called exceptional people.These figures, among others, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt, Goethe, DT Susuki, Benjamin Franklin, William Russell, Jane Addams, William James and other world figures. These people are called actualized himself. The most universal and common characteristic of these figures is their ability to see life clearly, to see life as it is not according to their wishes, be patient, be more objective towards the results of their observations, personal desire not to mislead their observations, have kemampuanjauh in above average in terms of assessing people accurately and in a see through falsehood.Generally, the choice of their partner in marriage is much better than average, though not perfect.Thanks to their perception that powerful figures who are more assertive self actualization and have a clearer understanding of right and wrong. They are more apt predict events that will happen. The ability to efficiently view, assess more accurately the people who are "fully human" This was also seeping into many other life, such an understanding not just of people but on art, music, political issues and philosophy.Tersebutmampu figures penetrate and see the hidden realities are completely confusing and more tapat more agile than the average person.However, they have a humble nature, able to listen to others with patience, willing to admit that they do not know everything and want to learn from others. Other people will be able to teach them something. Powerful perception is partly born out of and in understanding better about yourself. This concept can also be described as an innocent character in children and lack of arrogance. Children often listen without preconceptions or judgments previously. Like children who view the world with wide eyes, away from criticism and without sin, observing the problem it is, without question the case or prosecute the case.God: "O Moses, do you understand why I am talking directly to you." Moses: "You are omniscient about it all." God: "I know every human heart, but never seen a more humble heart like your heart, that's why I speak directly with you". Demikialah word of God who narrated Kaa'ab Al-Ahbar.

virus entrepreneur

Currently a new uproar-gemparnya discuss the virus that causes bird flu and the consequences thereof, but we rarely talk about a virus that virus name entrepreneur. The virus must be injected from the small entrepreneur to make the State of Indonesia is superior.
If the virus is injected 5% of the entire population of Indonesia and the virus could be 5% of entrepreneurs, then Indonesia has exceeded Taiwan and Japan. Entrepreneurs in Taiwan is only 4.8% of the population, while in Japan to reach 4% of the total population. Indonesia, currently only 1.2%, still less with the Philippines, which entrepreneurnya already reached 1.5% of the total population. Education budget that is said in 2006, has reached 20%, how beautiful part is used to inject the virus of this entrepreneur.

Genesis Interestingly, I experienced when my child is sick. I bought drugs at the drug store owned by my friend, who happened to his wife's Chinese. When I was buying drugs at the drug store my friend, I am prepared to ask, because dilemari-cabinets and tables full of these drugs have a different box, which turned out to contain a few packs of cigarettes. "Ma'am Sampeyan kok kok drug sales also selling cigarettes?". My friend's wife smiled as he replied "Nah kok mas Yanto. Cigarette box is not I who have, but it is hers Diana ". Diana is her son who was still in Elementary school. That's how Chinese families to teach children business since childhood. So when his son was great, I believe, he will be skilled in the business world. Because the business school since elementary school with a capital of the parent box containing cigarettes. Chinese our brother, has been used to inject the virus to her child entrepreneur since childhood, so naturally when the soul entrepreneurnya above average.
I also give thanks to God, has been introduced by my grandmother's business since the third grade elementary school, which is selling kedondong. Virus entrepreneur who injected my grandmother was a sweet memory that I can not forget and is the first step I know the business world. Like a car which suddenly went silent, and after running the car never stopped until now, until the car was stopped by the Creator. Experience teaches that the first car moves, the most difficult, because the biggest obstacle, so many people who do not want to move the car and let the car remain stationary in place. But the car has been running resistance is relatively small compared with the stationary car. If a virus is to drive this car or entrepreneur virus is injected to the children currently in school or college, Insha Allah, Indonesia became a State that is not his match in the business world in this world.

Becoming an Internet Entrepreneur in the Media

The Internet is a network of computers connected globally, enabling users to exchange information through various channels. Thereby allowing users to do business with each other. All the world's richest entrepreneurs take advantage of the market called the Internet. There are a number of reasons why the companies they target the Internet market. First of all, the audience began to move into Internet television. Since they moved the media ads must follow, assuming that the goal of any marketer is to reach its target audience effectively and efficiently. Marketers recognize that they have to adjust its marketing plan to pursue a continued increase in the number of people who spend time in front of online media, often by leaving the other media.

Second, to target the Internet market with ads that can be updated every time with minimal cost: because the ads can appear on the internet is always new. Third, the Internet market to reach potential buyers in a number of very large in the global count.Fourth, the cost of online advertising is sometimes less expensive than television advertising, newspaper, or radio. Media advertising of the latter it becomes more expensive because it is determined by the space that will be used, how many days (time for) the ad will be loaded, and on how many television stations and local or national newspaper advertising will be installed. Fifth, advertising on the internet can efficiently use the convergence of text, audio, graphics, and animation. Sixth, the Internet itself is growing rapidly. Seventh, you can create an interactive advertising and targeted on specific groups and / or individuals.Research conducted in the fall of 1996 found that three-quarters of users of personal computers (PCs) will leave the television and spend time in front of their computers.The move from television that the amount of it seems very impressive. In addition to this fact is that Internet users are educated people and have a very high income, so even become logical if concluded that Internet explorer is a target that has been envisioned by the marketers.Beginning in 1998, this characteristic has convinced a large company that produces all the needs of consumers to start shifting advertising budgets from traditional media to Internet advertising. Toyota made an obvious example of such efficacy of the Internet. Saatchi and Saatchi, a leading advertising agency, developing Web sites for Toyota ( and put a very attractive banner ads on popular sites, like Within a year, the site can match made 800 sales of Toyota's other sources of sales.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Product Speed Internet

The fourth step in selling products on the internet is to understand the price of the products we sell and the number of products sold within a certain time. Relations between them are usually referred to as product velocity. More and more products we sell, the greater the velocity of his product. We can make the relationship between price and amount sold each week. Usually the greater the desire to sell in large quantities, then we should set a lower price, otherwise the higher the price that we set the less the number of products we can sell.

Average Sales Price can also be narrowed by stating in an item that contained the so-called Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) which is a term often used by retailers off-line to indicate a unique item in the inventory. For example, Seller A has three red shirt two sizes XL and L size of the blue with no one fruit, then SKUnya only two, namely SKU1 is a red shirt (number 2) and SKU2 is a blue shirt (number 1) Key concepts to be understood without having to work on campaigns or do something special demand in the market or putting the various SKUs are fixed, will not alter the demand in a period of 30 days to 60 days. Other variables that work is a quote, then we must also control the supply, although this offer is also controlled by our competitors. This information is a weapon we can use to make important decisions based on our goal.For example, Seller A sells 10 units of SKUs per month at $ 150. Seller A has a target to increase profits each month. SKU cost on a volume of 40 units cost $ 100, but if it can increase sales of more than 100 units per month, costs SKU down to $ 85. Then this information can be made a variety of scenarios. The first scenario focuses on high margin, we sell for $ 150 which sold 40 units at a cost of $ 100, then the gross margin ($ 150 - $ 100) x 40 = $ 2000. The second scenario focuses on the margins are, we are selling at $ 120 sold 80 units at a cost of $ 100, then the gross margin ($ 120 - $ 100) x 80 = $ 1600. The third scenario focuses on low margin, we sell for $ 100 sold 160 units at a cost of $ 85, then the gross margin ($ 100 - $ 85) x 160 = $ 2400. By understanding the speed of product / pricing and testing enables us to get the estimated number of SKUs that we can sell and what we expect vulume. By estimating the price and volume of our products will help to prepare the product resources and be able to predict the margin we earn each month. If the product is not made by us, then we can negotiate on price with the source of our products at a price based on sales volume.